August 2013
Although you may be tired of hot weather by now, we could sure use some down here. It's winter and we've had some pretty cold - below freezing - days this year. Today we looked out the window and saw snow flurries coming down.
Our fall term ended well and the students are gone to their homes for winter break. Most are busy in their churches and working to earn funds for their next term. At IBP it has been a time of preparing both the buildings and the details for the coming term.
Our campus is a very unique place in the Patagonia. Spacious and tranquil, in a setting of nature and open skies, it has become more and more a favorite site for church activities and in the past few years it has become better equipped to handle a variety of groups. During the winter and summer breaks, the campus is open to be rented by churches who ask us to host various camps and retreats. From youth and children's camps to men's, women's, and even couples' retreats.
Speaking of couples retreats, we have been invited to share at one this weekend. If The Lord brings us to your mind, please say a prayer that we would minister according to his will.

It was so awesome to see so many of our former students who have been out in the harvest field either planting churches or pastoring somewhere in Argentina.

God is so good and we continue to see his hand at work throughout the Patagonia region. Out there in the provinces where he is working through individuals and churches, and also here at IBP where each month he provides for the ongoing needs of the school. Each school term he continues to send us students, some young and some older, who sense his call and step up to the plate in obedience to prepare themselves to go out into the harvest field.
Thanks be to God for his love, mercy, and compassion which reaches to the farthest corners of the earth to whoever will receive him.
At the end of this month, IBP will be hosting it's annual "IBP Joven" or IBP Youth! It is an all day event usually held in November here on our campus where young people from all over the Patagonia gather together for a time of fellowship, inspiration, and instruction to do creative evangelism.
IBP's own students host a variety of workshops such as ministry through music, ministry to children, King's Castle, etc. There is also an outdoor concert late in the afternoon followed by a encouraging message provided by an invited speaker.
Due to the success of our event on campus and in order to reach out to more students, this year (Sat., 8/31/13) we are taking the event on the road and calling it IBP Joven Móvil (Mobile). Students and alumni will be coming together and meeting at a city called Trenque Lauquen (12 hour drive north of us) and putting on the event there. Please pray for a safe trip and an awesome time of ministry and that all would go smoothly even now as preparations for the workshops and the rest of the event are being made.
God bless you and thanks for praying for us!
Gladly serving,
Eddie, Diana, Felicia and Jeremy