Club Castillo (Castle Ministry for the little kids) comes to Patagonia!!!
Although this aspect of Castle ministry is not exactly new, it is just beginning in Argentina. Missionary Michelle Wellborn with her two lovely daughters, Lexi and Bella, and two Castle workers, Luca and Carolina, came down here and trained a group of leaders to begin Club Castillo in their churches.
Six churches were represented from four different cities and God did a work in this group of 30 who made themselves available to be prepared for greater things! The motto of King's Castle is, "Preparing Adolescents for Greater Things". Club Castillo reflects the truth of Proverbs 22:6, "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."
It's an awesome blessing when we get to see how God is using our fellow missionaries in their unique areas. Jeremy was one of the 18 from the Gaiman church to be trained for Club Castillo.

Eddie was able to put together a small team to return to the city of Lago Puelo a couple of weekends ago and help out at a special event sponsored by the Lago Puelo church. All three of his recruits were previous IBP grads who love Jesus and are more than willing to serve and to be used by God for his Kingdom. The event was a costume party for the young people of Lago Puelo to welcome the beginning of Spring and at the same time to share the love of Jesus.
Ariel shared from God's word and Jorge, shared his gifting as a talented guitarist. Eddie was drafted as one of the judges for deciding the best costume! The next day, he and Jorge met with the pastor of the nearby town of El Bolson to plan another evangelistic outreach for December.
Last weekend we celebrated the beginning of Spring with our church at it's second annual "Gaiman Florece (Blooms)" outreach event.
Leading up to the event, the members of the church pooled their collective talents and made a nice collection of flowers to hand out to the people.
Once again, the King's Castle kids presented the message of Jesus through various creative means.
Jeremy also played the guitar in 3 different bands and ran the sound.