29 1st year students |
During the first week of May we were honored to have as our guest speaker for spiritual emphasis, veteran, semi-retired missionary, Ralph Hiatt. Our students were challenged and encouraged to learn the voice of their Shepherd, Jesus, to die to self, and to live according to His will. What an anointed time we all experienced being taught by this humble man of God and then being led to the feet of Jesus. Thank you, Ralph, for coming and sharing at IBP! And thank you, Jesus, for meeting us here and speaking to us.

Sandra Rea y Paez - Academic Secretary

Marcelo Martinez - Assistant to the Director
Carina Martinez - Administrative Secretary
(Pastors of our Gaiman church)

Adriana Griffiths - Accounting
Emilce Montes - Cook
(recent IBP grads)
Damian & Emilce Sarano - Supervision
(Future pastors further south)
These are the faithful ones who are here during the busiest times of the year, helping to see that everyone is being taken care of and that all is running smoothly. We thank God for always being faithful in bringing to IBP the helping hands needed at just the right times.
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