Patagonia News - Continued
It's precious to see our students hungry for learning. It's even more precious to see some of our students returning to IBP to teach and to share from their real life experiences in ministry, whether it be on the mission field or behind the pulpit.
Spiritual Emphasis

A very special time of learning and unity takes place during our Spiritual Emphasis week. We have workshops during the daytime and special speakers for evening services. This bimester we welcomed Ruth Sánchez, a young woman from Colombia, trained in social psychology and dealing with violence in the family. She has been traveling for the past few years throughout Argentina with a national Christian ministry called, Women for the Nation. She conducts training sessions in abuse prevention and counseling using a biblically-based approach. The class she taught our students was part one in a two-part series which she will return to continue in our next bimester.

Our invited guest for the evening services was the national YWAM (Youth With a Mission) director, Alejandro Rodriguez. Here in Argentina the organization is called JUCUM (Juvnentud Con Una Misión). His message centered on the theme of trusting God and living a generous life. Students, faculty and staff were powerfully challenged through the messages preached by this anointed minister.
Church Planting
A special training on church planting was also offered during the bimester by a veteran missionary friend, Rocco DiTrolio. He has planted many churches throughout Argentina during his 30 years of service here. With several of our students planning to serve, pastor, or plant new churches after finishing their studies here at IBP, this training is very helpful in that it provides much needed and practical information.
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