At the same time, we have been counting down to meeting our financial goal. On the 21st, we launched a 10 day campaign to reach 10K that our budget for Argentina was still lacking. (We did a short home video that we posted to fb). Thanks to those who have responded. You are helping us chip away at this mountain (which is shrinking by faith every day) that is standing between us and Argentina! This is the bigger challenge. We’re also trying to reign in the last of the monthly pledges needed to complete our ongoing monthly support. We only lack a few more pledges to wrap up this part of the fundraising. If you’d like to make a donation to our ministry, here are a couple links. For one time or occasional gifts, go to: http://s1.ag.org/give2ech. For ongoing monthly support, go to https://secure3.ag.org/AGWMCommitForm. Any amount gets us closer to reaching our goal!
Also, we have a fairly new website that our daughter made for us. Check it out: eefamily.org. From there it is easy to send us an email message and say hello. Our hearts are committed to making our God known. He has called us to do this by training up others who know Him and who also have a passion to make him known. Like these 24 who graduated last December.
Just think how many lives will be touched by each of these prepared servants of God. 80% of our graduates are actively involved in ministry. Some are pastors, some are church planters, some are missionaries, and some are in ministry in their home churches.
Thank you for investing in our ministry which, in turn, is an investment in preparing lives who will reach and disciple other lives for the Kingdom of God!
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